Our workshops bring I am River to life with interactive reading, inquiry-based experiments, discussions, movement activities, and reflections. ​
K - Cycle 2
We come to your classrooms in and around Montreal, facilitate a book-reading workshop using our activity materials a copy of the book (which you get to keep)! Pay-as-you wish.
Workshop content varies by grade level, and can be tailored to your group's specific needs.

Book Reading
An interactive book reading of I am River. Every page prompts a discussion, experiment, or movement activity.
The story and workshops touch on a few key themes...
The book opens with how the St Lawrence River was formed thanks to glacial melt, roughly 6000 years ago. ​
With younger learners, we talk about what glaciers are made of, and have an experiment with melting ice where they are asked to make a hypothesis.
With older groups, we get into glaciers versus icebergs - paired with a more complex experiment.
Main idea : River is much older than any of us.

We follow the biodiversity and ecosystems of the St Lawrence River from the Great Lakes to the Atlantic ocean.
Learners are asked to look closely and notice species on each page. For some, we have noise-making plushies that help engage students. ​
We discuss adaptations to different environments - particularly freshwater versus saltwater - and how animals are well-suited to their homes.
Main idea : many living things rely on River.
Socioecological Community
Several pages in the book prompt reflections on what community means, who (human and nonhuman) it includes, and the responsibilities that come with being part of one.
We talk about how much this River contributes to our lives - from the water we drink to food and electricity - and the lives of the plants and other animals that rely on it.
Main idea : River is a vital part of our community.

Taking Action
We give students a concrete sense of agency and actions to take to be good members of this River's community.
We ask students to come up with things they can do at home and at school. We talk about stewardship, responsibility, and gratitude.
Main idea : we can give back to River.